Xavier Department of Counseling

School Counseling Licensure Procedure

School Counseling graduates are expected to first apply for school counseling license in the State of Ohio. Please go to the following website and scroll down to School Counselor Instructions.

Licensure Application Procedure

The coordinator for School Counseling Licensure is Ms. April Thomas. Her office is located in 303 Hailstones Hall, and she can be contacted by email at thomasa7@xavier.edu, or by phone at 513-745-3701.

Each state has its own requirements in applying for and granting school counseling certification. The Xavier School Counseling Program meets the course requirements for Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana, plus other states. If you are seeking certification in a state other than the above three, please contact the certification office of the State Department of Education for certification procedures and requirements. Please do this early in your program so that we can accommodate this in your Xavier course sequence.

These are the requirements at the present time. Please check with the program director periodically to determine your status and/or any certification changes implemented by the State.

STATE OF OHIO - Effective January 1, 2003

3301-24-05 Rule For School Counselor Licensure

(e) The professional pupil services license, valid for five years* for working with learners at all levels, shall be issued to an individual deemed to be of good moral character who has successfully completed the following:

(1) An approved program of preparation** and who is recommended by the dean or head of teacher education, who has completed an examination prescribed by the State Board of Education, and who has evidenced the education and experience requirements specified below.

(b) School counselor

(i) Master's degree, and two years of successful teaching experience under a standard teacher certificate, or provisional or professional teacher license, and successful completion of an internship consisting of six hundred contact hours in a school setting; or

(ii) Master's degree, successful completion of an internship consisting of six hundred contact hours in a school setting, and a one-year induction under the supervision of a licensed school counselor; or

 (iii) Master's degree and three years experience as a licensed school counselor in another state.

3301-23-44 Rule for Temporary Licenses

(b) Temporary Pupil Service License. A temporary pupil service license may be issued to an individual who evidences a currently valid license as specified below provided the vacancy has been posted with the Ohio Department of Education for two weeks and no properly licensed and suitable candidate has been identified by the employing district.

(6) School counselor-limited to individual

(A) A temporary School Counselor License may be issued to an individual who holds a currently valid standard teaching certificate or professional teaching license, who is enrolled in an approved school counselor preparation programs, and who demonstrates an understanding of each of the following as documented by the institution approved to prepare school counselors.

A. Professional Identity

B. Social And Cultural Diversity

C. Human Growth And Development

D. Career Development

E. Helping Relationships

F. Group Work

G. Assessment

H. Research and Program Evaluation

(B) A temporary school counselor license may also be issued to an individual who holds a currently valid license to practice as a counselor from the Ohio Counselor and Social Worker Board who is enrolled in an approved school counselor preparation program.

(D) Renewal of a temporary pupil services license...  ...a temporary school counselor license, a temporary school nurse license, a temporary school social worker license, and a temporary school audiologist license may be renewed on completion of an additional six additional semester hours of coursework in an approved program leading to licensure in the area.

Promulgated under: chapter 119., R.C.

Rule authorized by: R.C. 3319.22 (s.b. 230)

Rule amplifies: R.C. 3319.22 (s.b. 230)

*Licensure Renewal

The five year professional is renewed for all licenses as follows: As approved by the LPDC-6 semester hours of coursework or 18 CEUs or other equivalent activities related to classroom teaching or the area of licensure. The School Counselor would be required to meet these requirements every five years. Most LPDCs are approving creative things for licensure areas under the "or equivalent activities" clause.

**Approved Preparation Program

School Counselor preparation program to be approved by the Ohio Department of Education and the State Board of education must meet the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) Standards.

STATE OF KENTUCKY - Amended June 14, 2005

The standard certificate for guidance counselor shall be issued to an applicant who meets one of the following qualification options:

Option I:

1. Successful completion of an approved master's level program in guidance counseling;

2. Successful completion of an additional three (3) to six (6) credit hours from an approved graduate level counseling or guidance counseling program.

3. One (1) year of full time employment as a provisionally- certified guidance counselor in a public school or nonpublic school which meets the state performance standards as established in KRS 156.160 or which has been accredited by a regional or national accrediting association;

4. A valid Kentucky Professional teaching certificate; and

5. A minimum of one (1) year of full time classroom teaching experience on a Professional Teaching Certificate in a public school or a nonpublic school which meets the state performance standards as established in KRS 156.160 or which has been accredited by a regional or national accrediting association; or

Option II:

1. Successful completion of an approved master's level program in guidance counseling;

2. Successful completion of an additional three (3) to six (6) credit hours from an approved graduate level counseling or guidance counseling program; and

3. A minimum of two (2) years of successful employment as a provisionally full-time certified guidance counselor.

The standard certificate for guidance counselor shall be issued for a period of five (5) years and shall be renewed subsequently for five (5) year periods upon completion of, by September 1 of the year of expiration, the Effective Instructional Leadership Act (EILA) hours as specified by the Kentucky Department of Education in KRS 156.101. It shall be the responsibility of the guidance counselor to provide documentation of this training to the local school superintendent who recommends certificate renewal.


I. School Services Standard License - Counselor

A. Requirements

1. Completion of one of the following professional experiences:

a. Two years of creditable teaching experience


b. Valid out-of-state school counseling licensure and one year experience as a school counselor


c. A one year school counseling internship, under the supervision of an institution of higher education approved for training school counselors

2. Master's degree in Counseling or related field from a regionally accredited institution and the completion of 30 semester hours in counseling and guidance at the graduate level.

3. Knowledge or competencies in the following areas: counseling theory; human growth and development; social and cultural foundations; the helping relationship; group dynamics; lifestyle and career development; appraisal of the individual; research and evaluation; and professional orientation.

II. Coverage

A. Holder of a School Services License - Counselor is eligible to serve as a counselor at all levels.

III. Renewal

A. School Services Standard License - Counselor may be renewed for one 5-year period upon completion of 6 semester hours of graduate work in counselor education directed toward professionalism of this license and with recommendation of the institution where renewal credit was earned.

IV. Professionalism

A. School Services Standard License - Counselor may be professionalized when the holder has completed 5 years of experience in accredited schools as a school counselor subsequent to the issuance of the Standard License, with at least half-time in counseling.

B. Completed 18 or more graduate hours in counselor education beyond the hours required for the Standard License, including 4 additional areas from the following: evaluation and accountability; consultation; advanced practicum; statistics; supervision of counseling programs; human potential; program management; and family counseling.

C. Recommendation for the Professional License by the institution where the approved professionalization program was completed.