
Senior Spotlight: Isaac Fiely


Isaac Fiely is the person behind the camera at every Xavier Men’s Basketball game. His role as a men’s basketball manager has greatly shaped his college experience and allowed him to get plenty of real-world experience in content creation.

Even though Isaac grew up in Meadville, Pennsylvania, he developed a passion for Cincinnati-area sports teams starting in sixth grade when he became a fan of the Bengals NFL football team. Throughout high school, he worked for his school’s sports teams by creating content and he knew that he wanted to make a career out of it. Xavier was included in his search of Division 1 schools in the area, especially with the popularity of the Men’s basketball program. With the potential to be connected with sports, create content for the team, and get a further education, Isaac decided to choose Xavier. 

Isaac is a digital media and advertising double major. He chose this route because he wanted to be as well-rounded as possible in his studies, and work to expand his knowledge and career through a separate lens from what was already provided in his work. During his time in the communication department, he shares, “I have learned a lot about the power of teamwork and unity inside the classroom. When we communicate and work together, we can achieve more!” Despite all the time spent traveling with the team and missing class, Isaac says that the professors in the COMM department, “have never discouraged me from pursuing my passion. They want to see each of their students succeed and I consistently see them adapt to each person’s individual needs to help them as much as they can.”

Isaac shared that he will look back on all the good memories during his time here, “from the small things like eating chocolate chip cookies at the caf to big things like going to the Sweet 16.” Isaac’s involvement on campus also included his role as a Resident Assistant (RA) during his sophomore year in Justice Hall. While he knows how exciting and easy it is to look towards the degree at the end, Isaac says, “My main goal has been to find as much joy as I can along the journey. Both experiences of being an RA and photographing our teams have  taught me a lot about forming a community in very different, but very beneficial ways.” He explains that this type of unity is what he will miss the most. 

After graduation, Isaac will not travel far, since he has accepted an offer for a full-time staff position with Xavier’s men’s basketball team as a content creator. The advice that he gives to anyone considering a communication major is: “Choosing a major in communication can teach you a lot of important lessons but at the same time, I am a strong believer that what you learn in the classroom is as valuable as what you do with it outside of that time.” He explains that “class doesn’t have to be dull, bring your own energy, liven things up a little and make the most of your time here.”

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