Chemistry Department Home

For Students

Student Clubs

Alchemyst Club

Alchemyst Club activities include attendance at local American Chemical Society meetings, tutoring general and organic chemistry and volunteering. The club organizes field trips and invites guest speakers to discuss the many aspects of chemistry.

Minorities in STEM Succeeding Together (MISST)

Minorities in Stem Succeeding Together (MISST) creates a safe place and a community for minorities who are STEM majors to exceed, uplift, and unite each other. As a member of MISST members become confident in who they are as a minority in STEM.

Careers in Chemistry

99 percent of Xavier students, including those in the Chemistry majors, are working, volunteering or in graduate school within six months of graduation (Class of 2022). Additionally, Xavier students have a 92 percent acceptance rate to medical schools (Class of 2019), compared to 40 percent nationally.

National Chemistry Organizations


Visit the Chemistry Software webpage for directions on creating an account and logging into Chemistry software and websites.