College of Arts and Sciences

Helping students find each other

Like many of you, I have been busily running around campus for the past week. Between supporting Manresa programs, new faculty orientations, working groups, college meetings, a department meeting— oh and this small “teaching classes” thing that starts this week, it has been a whirlwind. But as I walk around campus, something feels different this year. There is energy. The students have energy, and in turn I feel like we have energy. In many ways it feels like the sense of community is finally recovering from the shock of 2020.

The students are excited, buzzing to build a community, to make connections, to make this campus their own. As a faculty member, I want to help them build the Xavier they want to live in for the next four years, help them make these connections that will define their college experience. For years I always felt this meant me making connections with students in the classroom, but what I have learned is even more valuable is helping students make connections with each other.

I like to give myself tangible, discrete goals each semester. This semester my challenge is this: make sure every student in my classes has a friend also in that class. I believe having a person they are looking forward to seeing each class will go a long way. Do I have a plan for how to do this? No, not at all. Maybe it’s group work, maybe it involves homework partnership contracts, maybe it just happens naturally. But I think the goal has value.

If you have a moment as the semester begins (and that is a big IF), take a moment to reflect on how you might be able to help your students connect with each other. Maybe that is in the classroom, maybe that is through another role you play on campus. But help these students find their place by helping them find each other.

For anyone interested in making a community focused classroom, please consider signing up for the persistence project

By Dr. Eric Bucher
Associate Professor, Mathematics
CTE Faculty Director

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