Running through the tape
May 4, 2023
Round the bend and you'll glimpse it: at the top of the next hill stands the finish line.
At the end of another academic year, your energy may be flagging. But with one more adrenalin-fueled kick, you'll break through the tape.
You and our students have accomplished incredible things over the past nine months. (That includes those of us not running the marathon this weekend). At Commencement and after, you'll find moments to reflect on that.
For now, I know, we'll all be digging deep to fuel one more push -- until grading is done, the e-mails slow down, and summer arrives.
On that note, this will be the final CAS Bulletin of the academic year. We will resume on August 10, just before faculty return before the next academic year.
David Mengel
That photo? Yeah, it's been a few years.