Planning for Return
June 18, 2020 |
These days St. Ignatius watches over empty stairs.But as June days lengthen towards the solstice, our thoughts increasingly turn to our gradual return to campus (beginning July 6) and to the start of the fall semester (August 17).
We all have many questions about our returns, and many of you have been contributing to answers.
Some answers now appear in the blueprint for our safe return and the draft guide for returning to campus -- and still many unanswered questions remain.
How will we work safely within our different spaces and buildings across campus? See more below on how we intend to plan for each space, as well as for information about applying for ADA accommodations or Flexible Work Arrangements.
Many, many of you are working hard answer another key question: how might we design effective courses for the range of circumstances we can anticipate?
Already nearly 90 CAS faculty have registered for the CTE's first Remote Learning Workshop and more than 70 faculty for the second, different workshop. More opportunities to register for workshops and Canvas training remain, and I encourage you to take advantage of these.
As for me, I find myself increasingly eager to return to campus. I can't wait to ascend and descend once more the stairs of St. Ignatius and to greet you as we pass on the academic mall -- even with the mask-wearing, social distancing and other measures we will take to protect one another. Until then!