Career Development presents a number of events throughout the academic year to aid students in their professional development and to provide opportunities to connect with employers for internships and full-time jobs. Please see the Student Success Center event calendar for all scheduled events.
Fall Career Fair: Jobs and Internships
Students and alumni of all majors are invited to connect with 100+ employers for internships and full-time, degree-required opportunities. Sponsored by Xavier University Career Development.
Part-Time Jobs Fairs
Connect with employers recruiting for part-time, seasonal, or temporary positions. Sponsored by Xavier University Career Development.
Spring Career Fair: Jobs and Internships
Students and alumni of all majors are invited to connect with 100+ employers for internships and full-time, degree-required opportunities. Sponsored by Xavier University Career Development.
Southwest Ohio/Northern Kentucky Education Career Fair
Students and alumni of all majors seeking full-time positions within a school setting are encouraged to attend. Morning session is devoted to networking with scheduled interviews in the afternoon. Sponsored by 7 local colleges and universities including Xavier.
Meet the Firms
Network with organizations sharing degree-required accounting-related job and internship positions. A collaborative event presented by the Xavier University Accounting Department and Career Development.
BIG EAST Sports & Entertainment Networking Event
This event will bring BIG EAST students from all 10 schools together with industry professionals for an evening of networking and basketball.
Sports Marketing Summit
The Summit will offer a day of learning and networking designed to bring students from all BIG EAST schools together with leaders in the sports industry to discuss trends and careers in Sports Marketing.