The Boehner Papers

Research Opportunities

The John Boehner Papers Archive

The Boehner Papers, which were donated to Xavier University in 2016, give students and scholars the opportunity to study, understand, and learn from Speaker Boehner's experiences in Congress and his record of bipartisan leadership in the House. The papers contain administrative, legislative, press, and campaign records of Speaker Boehner and his office, primarily from 1989-2015. Major topics covered in the papers include the House Bank Scandal (1992), the Contract with America (1994), education reform and No Child Left Behind Act (signed into law January 8, 2002), and the Pension Funding Equity Act of 2004. To learn more about this special collection in the University Archive, click here.

Research Grants Awarded

Several research grants have allowed students the opportunity to partner with faculty members on political science projects. For undergraduate students, the chance to assist a faculty member with a research project gives them a competitive edge. Student research assistants get first-hand experience with the research process, from start to finish. Examples of research grants awarded from the John Boehner Fund are:

Political Science, Dr. Mack Mariani

Funding was provided for two student-led research projects on Cincinnati City Council Dataset, and Exploring Ohio's Role in the State Legislative Reapportionment Revolution. Students were identified based on project proposal, as well as their demonstrated need for summer funding.

Data Science, Dr. David Gerberry

Data Science Honors students received funds to work as data analysts for PPP students working on local political campaigns. Students were selected for this project from groups underrepresented at Xavier. This project began as a semester-long pilot and it now occurs annually thanks to the initial grant from the Boehner Fund. 


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