Meal Plan Exemption Form
This form is for student residents who fall under a University requirement for retaining a meal plan and has a medical need for a meal plan reduction or a full exemption from the meal plan. The University requires all students that live in residence halls and on-campus housing to purchase a meal plan. The policy also requires all first year Commuters and Transfer Students to retain a meal plan.
All parts of the application must be completed:
- The form's Questionnaire must be completed fully.
- A Written essay must include details as to why you require an exemption or details for a reduction.
- Required attachments include a diagnosis and supporting documentation from your physician. This information can be emailed to or Fax # 513-745-4288.
If approved a meal plan refund will be issued provided there is no outstanding balance on your bill, in accordance with Bursar operations' policies. The refund schedule is prorated from the time the application is received to the end of the semester, not from the beginning of the semester whether or not any meals have been eaten.
The only approved exemption from a required meal plan is for Medical Reasons - One or more forms of documentation are required. Diagnosis: A letter on letterhead paper from a Medical Doctor (letters from chiropractors are not accepted) is required stating your medical diagnosis. In the event of food intolerance/allergies, the doctor must state specifically which food(s) you cannot consume and what are the allergy reaction(s).