Asian Studies

Study Abroad - Asian Studies

Study Abroad Opportunities for Students in the Asian Studies Minor

Study of Asia is enriched by structured travel there of a semester or longer. Xavier has a network of partner institutions that offer programs that satisfy language and/or content requirements for the Asian Studies minor. Most also offer courses that satisfy core and major requirements. As Xavier-approved programs, tuition is in most cases identical to what a student would pay to remain in Cincinnati. You should strongly consider one of the following programs or contact the Asian Studies Minor coordinator and/or the Center for International Education for more options, including summer programs.

Programs with exceptionally strong business offerings are noted with a (*)

Programs with exceptionally strong STEM offerings are noted with a (#)


Beijing, The Beijing Center for Chinese Studies*

Chengdu, USAC

Shanghai, USAC*


Hiroshima, USAC#
Nagasaki, USAC
Osaka/Kobe, USAC
Tokyo - Sophia University#


Seoul - Kookmin, USAC*#
Seoul - Yonsei, USAC*#
Seoul - Korea University Business School*
Seoul - Sogang University*#


Chiang Mai, MSID - International Development, University of Minnesota
Chiang Mai, USAC
Khon Kaen, USAC


Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Center, Loyola University of Chicago*

Summer Options

Ø  Sogang’s summer program Seoul, South Korea

Ø  Sophia’s summer program Tokyo, Japan (East Asian studies or Japanese language options)

Ø  IES Abroad’s language program Tokyo, Japan

Ø  The Education Abroad Network’s Programs (various locations, includes internship opportunities)