About Africana Studies

Requirements and Course Sequence

Africana Studies Minor requirements (18 credit hours)

2 introductory courses (6 credit hours)
  • GDST 210: Introduction to African American Studies OR GDST 206: Introduction to Gender and Diversity Studies*
  • African History I (HIST 123) OR HIST 153: Africa’s Past, Our Future
1 intermediate or advanced course focused on the African continent (3 credit hours)
  • ENGL 352: African Literature
  • GDST 207: Ghanaian Literature
  • HIST 411: African Leadership History
  • THEO 609: West African Religions
  • OR other qualifying courses in consultation with the Africana Studies program director
1 intermediate or advanced course focused on the African Diaspora (3 credit hours)
  • ENGL 344: Major Black Writers of the World
  • FREN 415-01: Visions of Empire 1800-Present
  • GDST 225: The Theology of Malcolm X
  • GDST 350: Medical Racism
  • HIST 231: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
  • HIST 277: History of the Caribbean
  • THEO 267: African American Biblical Interpretations
  • THEO 322: Black Theology
  • OR other qualifying courses in consultation with the Africana Studies program director
1 approved elective at any level focused on the African continent or the African Diaspora including a Spanish, French, German or Arabic language course OR a course focused on the critical study of race and ethnicity (3 credit hours)
  • COMM 323: Race, Class, Gender and the Media
  • HIST 199-02: Women & Civil Rights Era
  • HIST 124: African History II
  • HIST 125: Latin America: Cortes to Castro
  • HIST 131: Reconstruction to 1940s
  • DANC 155: Beginning Jazz 
  • MUSC 105: Hip Hop: Music and Culture
  • MUSC 114: Jazz: American Creative Music
  • SOCI 180: Culture and Society
  • SOCI 240: Population and Globalization
  • SOCI 250-01: Racial Ethnic Minorities 
  • SOCI 270: Social Movements
  • SOCW 318: Trends in Modern Society: Race Relations
  • OR other qualifying courses in consultation with the Africana Studies program director 
1 Community Engagement Senior Capstone course (3 credit hours)**

*The Africana Studies program is currently revising the minor to allow students to take GDST 206, which is more regularly taught, or GDST 210.

** The Africana Studies program is currently revising the minor to allow students to count their capstone project, undergraduate thesis, SERL or ILE classes, or an internship to fulfill this requirement as long as students engage with Africana Studies theories or methods or participate in an internship or project that serves a Black community.