Financial Assistance
Choosing Xavier University is an important step toward achieving your life and career goals. We are here to help you address important financial assistance issues so you can pursue your education.
ADC Grants
Students in the Accelerated Degree Completion Program may be awarded the Xavier ADC grant upon admission based on enrolled credit hours as detailed below. This grant is awarded annually and will be adjusted if enrolled hours change.
- 1-6 credit hours - up to $250
- 7-11 credit hours - up to $500
- 12+ credit hours - up to $750
This award may be renewed each year based on fund availability, academic status, and financial need. Students must be in good academic standing by achieving a 2.0 or better cumulative GPA each semester to be eligible for renewal. Students receiving the senior-citizen tuition rate or Xavier tuition remission are not eligible for the ADC grant.
Persistence Grants for ADC Students
Additional ADC grants may be available to eligible students entering their third and subsequent semesters. The Persistence Grant is based on credit hours enrolled and maintaining "Active Student" status.
If you add or drop classes, your grant amount will be adjusted accordingly. These grants are automatically applied once you are enrolled.
ADC Completion Grant
The ADC Completion Grant is awarded on a case-by-case basis to students who are close to graduation and have unmet financial needs. Applicants must be within 24 credit hours of graduation, must have exhausted all available federal aid, must have filed for FAFSA form, and must be an active student in the ADC program. The application can be found HERE.
APEX Day/Evening Grants
Transfer Scholarships and Grants
Students admitted with transfer credit to the APEX Day/Evening program may be eligible for a transfer scholarship or grant. To qualify for a transfer award, students must maintain full-time status. To be considered for a Transfer scholarship, students are required to submit the FAFSA and anticipated enrollment hours each year. Your award will be posted in your acceptance letter upon admission.
Students in the Accelerated Degree Completion Program are not eligible for the transfer scholarship or grant.
New Tuition Deferral Program Available
APEX students who receive tuition reimbursement from their employer now have the option to defer their tuition payment until 45 days after the course is completed. The agreement and details can be found by following the link below.
Federal Grants
Pell Grant
The Pell Grant usually is awarded only to undergraduate students who display exceptional financial need and have not earned a bachelor's, graduate, or professional degree. To apply, students must complete the FAFSA each year. The amount of the Pell Grant varies based upon the level of financial need and the number of credit hours for which the student is enrolled. The maximum full-time award is $7,395 for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
The SEOG is awarded to undergraduate students based on financial need. Xavier University receives a limited amount of federal funding to use for SEOG awards, therefore the grant is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Students with the lowest Student Aid Index (SAI) who will also receive a Pell Grant during the award year are awarded first. To receive consideration for the SEOG, students must meet the following minimum eligibility requirements:
- Have a complete financial aid file by June 1 (includes a valid FAFSA form, documentation required for verification, and resolution of FAFSA comments and discrepancies)
- Be Pell-Grant eligible
- Demonstrate need as determined by the FAFSA
- Enroll in a first bachelor's degree program
- Enroll at least half time (6 or more credit hours)
- Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards
**Incoming students who have been awarded a FSEOG but have not committed to Xavier by June 1 will have their grant cancelled. Awarded students who are not enrolled by the end of the add/drop period each semester also will have their FSEOG cancelled.
Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant
The TEACH Grant provides up to $3,772 to students who are completing or plan to complete coursework needed to begin a career in teaching. This program requires graduates to work as full-time teachers in high-need fields, in public or private elementary or secondary schools that serve low-income students.
State Aid
Ohio College Opportunity Grant (OCOG)
The OCOG is a need-based grant from the state of Ohio for resident undergraduate students from low- and moderate-income families. Awards are based on family income with consideration given to the number of dependents in the family. Application is made when residents complete the FAFSA form. The grant is given to part-time and full-time students. The maximum award amount is $5,000 (full-time students) for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Go to the Student Financial Services website for additional information and to contact a financial aid counselor.