Xavier Accessibility

Mental Wellness and Radical Acceptance Events 2021

May 10-14: Meditation & Journaling/Bi-Okoto/Transformational Breath

Write Here Write Now: Connecting to the Body through Movement and Writing

Join Dr. Renea Frey, English Department Faculty, for a relaxing and reflecting workshop. It is easy to become "stuck in our minds" or caught up in the constant flow of tasks to be done in our day-to-day lives. This workshop will ask participants to slow down and turn inward by focusing on the body through gentle movement, mindfulness, and meditation, followed by exploring these connections through intentional journaling.

Tuesday May 11 10:00 – 11:00 am
Husman Stage & North Yard

Register for Write Here Write Now: Connecting to the Body through Movement and Writing

B-FIT with Bi-Okoto

Promotes a healthy lifestyle by motivating individuals to participate in daily physical activity with fun fitness routines that increase their cardio, strength, endurance, and flexibility with creative group goals, strategic challenges, nutrition tips, and rewards. These classes are fun Interactive classes geared towards individuals to move their bodies into a healthy lifestyle with culturally inspired dance fitness. Class offerings consist of Egyptian Belly Dance, Yoga, Afro-Peruvian/Salsa, and Latin Dance, Afro-Cardio, Zumba and Kizomba (originally from Angola), and traditional & contemporary African movement for kids.

Thursday May 13 2:00 – 2:45 pm
Husman Stage & North Yard

Register for B-FIT with Bi-Okoto

Transformational Breathwork Workshop

Join Xavier Alum Mary Schoen, Class of 96 in Theology, for a Transformational Breath workshop. Without breath, there is no life.  It is as simple as that, yet, many people take their breath for granted.  Breath is an automatic biological function, which can be used consciously to enhance the quality of life and the health of our bodies. There are numerous breath techniques and schools of thought, but the most comprehensive one is Transformational Breathing.  This dynamic breath process not only opens up and corrects old, ineffective breathing patterns but also teaches individuals to use their breathing to reduce stress, increase energy, heighten self-awareness, heal emotional traumas, and connect more fully with Spirit.

Friday May 14 1:00 – 2:00 pm
Husman Stage & North Yard

Register for Transformational Breathwork Workshop

May 17-21 – Radical Acceptance/Movement Intelligence/Tonglen & Vocal Harmonics/Tai Chi

Radical Acceptance & Radical Self-Care Workshop

Buddhist Tara Brach says, "the boundary to what we can accept about ourselves is the boundary to our freedom." Join Tracey DuEst and Audrey Calloway as they discuss how Radical Acceptance and Radical-Self Care relate to each other and how these two acts of resistance help us show up as our best selves work and in life.

Monday May 17 2:30 – 4:30 pm
Hybrid, Clock Tower, Zoom

Register for Radical Acceptance & Radical Self-Care Workshop

Movement Intelligence & Feldenkrais Workshop

Join Brian Shircliff, Class of 96 in Theology, of Vitality Cincinnati, as he offers the Xavier community a movement intelligence workshop and teaches us the Feldenkrais' Method basics. Dr. Feldenkrais student Ruthy Alon took his work one step further, using the wisdom of African Water Carriers to develop Movement Intelligence / Bones for Life as a means towards bringing innocence to our joints so that we can build bone health through walking. Both Feldenkrais Method & Movement Intelligence involve moving gently and slowly and in pain-free ways to invite our brain to be curious about what is possible. Our brain then has new options to explore in keeping us in a healthy and vibrant relationship with gravity!


Wednesday May 19 3:00 – 4:00 pm
Husman Stage & North Yard

Register for Movement Intelligence & Feldenkrais Workshop

Tonglen Meditation and Vocal Harmonics

Join TriHealth employee Robert Dorsey for a relaxing and energizing exploration of techniques for finding greater harmony within ourselves, our relationships, and our environment. We will build and engage awareness of vocal harmonics and resonance and their uses for bringing about states of relaxation, calm, and stillness. From that, we'll move into a guided exercise in tonglen, a "giving and taking" meditation practice from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition that focuses on qualities of empathy, compassion, and peacefulness, between ourselves and others.

Thursday May 20 3:00 – 4:00 pm
Husman Stage & North Yard

Register for Tonglen Meditation and Vocal Harmonics

Tai Chi

Join Mary Duennes, RN retired Parish Nurse, Healing Touch Instructor, Capacitar Facilitator and former Nightingale Nurse of the Year for a Tai Chi class. Mary shares Capacitar as a way to heal ourselves and heal our world. She will teach body-based practices that empower people to use their inner wisdom to heal and transform themselves to heal injustice and build peace in themselves and the Xavier community.

Friday May 21 1:30 – 2:00 pm
Husman Stage & North Yard

Register for Tai Chi

May 24-28 – Zumba/Panel Discussion/Laughter Yoga

Zumba Class

Join Zumba Instructor Tat-yana Brown in a fun, Latin-based fitness class on campus! Dancing is a great way to relieve stress and an excellent form of exercise. Celebrate the final days of Mental Health Awareness Month with this free 1-hour dance workout!

Monday May 24 5:30 – 6:30 pm

Husman Stage & North Yard

Register for Zumba Class

Mental Wellness and Radial Acceptance: What Does Our New Normal Look Like?

On Tuesday, May 25, Xavier's ACCESS Council will be hosting a Mental Health Awareness Month Panel from 1:00-2:00 pm. The event will provide an opportunity to hear from mental and behavioral health professionals at Xavier, ask questions, and learn more about mental wellness and why radical acceptance can contribute to your wellbeing. The School of Psychology will be represented by Dr. Jennifer Phillips and Dr. Nick Salsman. Jamie Baxter and Jadyn McQueen will speak on behalf of Counseling Services, and Natalia Weekly will represent Care Management and the Dean of Students Office. For questions, please contact Tracey DuEst, Associate Director, OIDI, at duestt@xavier.edu

Tuesday May 25 1:00 – 2:00 pm


Register for Mental Wellness and Radial Acceptance: What Does Our New Normal Look Like?

Laughter Yoga Workshop

Join Xavier Alum, Shannon O'Neil, Class of 2007 in Social Work, for a fun-filled yoga workshop. Laughter yoga (Hasyayoga) is a modern exercise involving prolonged voluntary laughter. This type of yoga is based on the belief that voluntary laughter provides similar physiological and psychological benefits as spontaneous laughter.] It is usually done in groups, with eye contact and much playfulness between participants. Intentional laughter often turns into real and contagious laughter.

Wednesday May 26 3:00 – 4:00 pm

Husman Stage & North Yard

Register for Laughter Yoga Workshop