Accessibility and Disability Resources

Accessible Media

Accessing Accessible Media

After requesting accommodations for specific courses, you may request specific materials in accessible media for those courses. If you do not specify materials, no materials will be converted and available for you.
  1. Access AIM
    1. Use Single Sign On to access your account, if prompted.
    2. If you encounter an error or your classes/accommodations are not correct, please contact Accessibility and Disability Resources.
  2. Click "Accessible Media" on the left-hand menu

Requesting Books

AIM connects with your class booklist.

  • In the table in the Request Accessible Media for ... section, click "Select" for the needed title.
    • This section will not show if no materials have been specified for your course(s) yet.

If you need books that are not listed with your course, scroll to the bottom of the page and complete the Additional Book or Reading Materials for ... section.

  • Please make sure to include the Title, ISBN, and edition if requesting a book.

Finding Needed Books

To find the books that you need for your courses, we recommend that you contact the instructor of your course. Encourage them to specify their books with the bookstore.

Uploading Receipt

In the Upload Book Receipt section under File Information, select the file you wish to upload, select the course, and click "Upload Receipt".

Receipts may also be emailed to

Receipts or proof of access are only needed if you purchased/rented the material. If Xavier (Day One) provides the material, and it is listed with the bookstore, we will verify automatically.


Once your requested books are complete, you will receive an email. To access your files:

  1. Access the accessible media section of AIM.
  2. Locate the completed book.
  3. Click on the "Download" button in the right column of the table.
  4. A secondary window should pop-up. If you do not have pop-ups allowed, another screen will ask you if you wish to open the page in your current window.
  5. Save the needed files from the shared folder.