Academic Support

Academic success is a priority of the faculty, staff, and students at Xavier University. Therefore, the Office of Academic Support provides free academic support for Xavier students. These services include:

  • Subject Specific Tutoring
  • Study Skills Tutoring
  • Supplemental Instruction (SI)
  • Study Groups

Tutors who assist students with course material also promote the development of study skills and organization. Tutoring sessions are scheduled by appointment and allow students to have a working relationship with a tutor which is consistent, regular, and comprehensive. Tutoring sessions are either one-on-one or paired with a classmate if there is a high demand for that course. Drop-In tutoring offers more flexibility and allows students to take advantage of tutoring on a more casual basis.

The OAS trains and certifies all employed tutors. Our tutoring program is certified by the College Reading and Learning Association. In addition, tutors are required to meet GPA standards, provide professor recommendations, and participate in regular tutor meetings.

The OAS is located on the fifth floor of the Conaton Learning Commons, Suite 514.