Veteran and Military Family Center Scholarship Resource is a website that helps connect students with the best and most affordable higher education programs in the medical and health fields. You can explore their site to see how blended and online programs work and get key information about accreditation and financial aid from education experts. 


One of the great resources that makes available on their site is a comprehensive list of resources available to Veteran and military-connected students who are specifically interested in pursuing education in the medical and health fields.

As a Veteran or military-connected student you have a number of college resources available to you already: the Post-9/11 GI Bill, the Yellow Ribbon Program, Vocational Rehabilitation, etc.. These can make a huge difference when it comes to paying for higher education. That said, they may not cover everything. Books, fees, living expenses, and other costs may require additional financial aid from multiple sources. EduMed's scholarship guide provides current and future Student Veterans with a starting point: academic, social, and financial resources, including both scholarships and grants.

Visit the Scholarship Resource