Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity

Undergraduate Mentor of the Year

The College of Arts and Sciences and the Undergraduate Research Advisory Board invite nominations for the Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year (URMY) award. This award will be given to a faculty member with an established, extensive and excellent track record of mentoring undergraduate students as well as promoting and supporting the undergraduate research initiative at Xavier. Faculty members from all three colleges are eligible for this award. Christian End, Department of Psychology, Mollie McIntosh, Department of Biology, and Justin Link, Department of Physics, are previous recipients of the award. The URMY, selected by the Undergraduate Research Advisory Board from a pool of nominated faculty members, will be presented the award at the Celebration of Student Research.

The major criterion for the award is excellence in undergraduate research mentoring which might include but is not limited to:

  • A consistent track record of high quality mentoring provided to multiple students over the course of several years.
  • Encouraging and promoting research of their students at regional and national meetings, as well as at Xavier's Celebration of Student Research and Creative Activity.
  • Publishing research in peer-reviewed journals with undergraduate coauthors.
  • Applying for and earning research grants to support work to be done with undergraduate research students.
  • Supporting the expansion and institutionalizing of undergraduate research at Xavier.

The deadline for nominating 2023-2024 Research Mentors of the Year is January 15, 2024.