Work the Polls on Election Day
Xavier University is committed to supporting employees and students who want to work at the polls on Election Day, November 8, 2022.
Voting is the most critical aspect of the democratic process. To preserve that fundamental right, however, requires that we do our part to safeguard our elections. Registering to become a poll worker is an easy way to do exactly that. As a poll worker, you will do more than process voters, direct foot traffic, and maintain the polling place—you will play a key role in ensuring our election runs smoothly, which benefits the entire community.
How to Sign Up
The information below refers to Hamilton County. For information on neighboring Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana counties, go to the website of your local county board of elections for information on how to volunteer as a pollworker.REGISTER ONLINE AT VOTEHAMILTONCOUNTYOHIO.GOV
You can either submit an online form or download one and mail it to the Hamilton County Board of Elections.RECEIVE BOARD APPOINTMENT
The Board of Elections offers three different positions: Voting Location Manager (VLM), Voting Location Deputy (VLD), and Precinct Election Official (PEO). 2022 pay rates are as follows: Voting Location Managers receive pay of $218 for their services. Voter Location Deputies receive $186 and Precinct Election Officials receive $181.50.
Poll workers must attend a three-and-a-half to four-hour training session prior to Election Day. Training will be held at the Board of Elections, 4700 Smith Road (and online). Training sessions take place at 8:00 am, 1:00 pm and 6:00 pm on Monday through Friday and 8:00 am and 1:00 pm on Saturdays.
Responsibilities include issuing ballots to registered voters, monitoring the voting equipment, setting up and taking down the equipment, and closing the polls. Poll workers are essential for a smooth election.
- Sign up with your county Board of Elections at the links above.
- November 8, 2022 is a Xavier holiday for most classes. Note that offices are open and some clinicals, practicums, student teaching, internships, and once-a-week labs may still meet on Nov. 8. Students should be aware that missing in-person clinical, practicum, student teaching or internship hours may affect their degree progression.
- Strictly adhere to any COVID-19 related health and safety procedures to limit the possibility of infection and bringing the virus back to campus.
- Sign up with your county Board of Elections at the links above.
- Strictly adhere to any COVID-19 related health and safety procedures to limit the possibility of infection and bringing the virus back to campus.
- Staff
- Discuss with your supervisor; staff who seek to work at the polls must seek and gain approval by the supervisor.
- If approved, non-exempt staff will be compensated for the hours of their standard work day to work as a poll worker.
- If approved, exempt staff do not need to take a vacation day to work as a poll worker.
- This compensation applies to staff who will work as a poll workers. Staff who would like to engage in campaign work for a particular candidate, party, or issue may do so by taking a vacation day.
- Faculty
- Faculty interested in working the polls who teach clinicals, practicums, student teaching and internships whose students are meeting in person on Election Day must seek and gain approval from their dean.
- Most faculty do not have teaching responsibilities on Tuesday, Nov. 8 and are free to sign up to work the polls if they wish to do so.