Education Abroad

Housing Information

Housing Abroad 

Housing abroad varies based on the program you choose. Some housing options include homestay opportunities, on-campus residence halls, and apartments. Semester opportunity housing is coordinated through the program you select and most often paid directly to the program or on-site. There are a few instances where the program will bill Xavier alongside the tuition for semester housing, and this amount will be added to your bill through the Bursar. Accommodations for faculty-led programs are billed via the program fee through the Bursar's office. 

Housing at Xavier 

Students returning from a fall semester abroad are able to apply for on-campus housing and students departing for a spring semester program are able to be released from their housing contract if currently living on-campus. To book housing, please contact Residence Life directly at or 513-745-3203.

If you currently reside in on-campus housing and will not during the next term due to study abroad, please complete the form below.

Off-Campus Sublease 

The CIE is often asked about subleasing off-campus. Although we cannot provide a direct service, there are different avenues in which students have been successful in finding a renter to take over their room or apartment while they are abroad. 

  • Posting a general announcement/post on social media
  • Posting to your XU class Facebook page
  • Posting to

Students may also send a flyer to We can post this information is our office and share the flyer with our incoming exchange students if they have any interest in living off-campus. 

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