C. J. Grossman, R. E. Hamilton, M. De Wit, J. Johnson, R. Faul, S. T. Herbert, D. Tierney, M. Buot, M. L. Latham, G. Boivin, "The Vocalization Mechanism of the Florida Manatee", On Line Journal of Biological Sciences, Vol 14, Issue 2, 127 - 149, 2014.
N. Bhandari, M. Dutta, J. Charles, M. Cahay, R. Newrock and S. T. Herbert , "Spin Polarization In Asymmetrically Biased Quantum Point Contacts With Lateral Spin Orbit Coupling", book chapter to appear in, Spintronic and nanomagnetic devices and systems, Eds. J. Ataulasimha and S. Bandyopadhyay. Wiley (2014).
B. Hemingway, S. T. Herbert, M. Melloch, and A. Kogan, "Non-Monotonic Dynamic Conductance in the Spin-1/2 Kondo Regime in a Single-Electron Transistor," submitted to Phys Rev. Lett. (June, 2013).
B. Hemingway, A. Kogan, S. T. Herbert, and M. Melloch, "Frequency Regimes of Kondo Dynamics in a Single-Electron Transistor, Preprint (March 2013).
N. Bhandari, M. Dutta, J. Charles, R. S. Newrock, M. Cahay, and S. T. Herbert , "Steps toward an all-electric spin valve using side-gated Quantum Point Contacts with Lateral Spin Orbit Coupling," Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology4, 013002 (2013).
P. P. Das, N. K. Bhandary, J. Wan, J. Charles, M. Cahay, K. B. Chetry, R. S. Newrock, and S. T. Herbert, "Influence of surface scattering on the anomalous conductance plateaus in an asymmetrically biased InAs/In 0.52 Al 0.48 As quantum point contact," Nanotechnology 23, 215201 (June 2012).
N. Bhandari, P.P. Das, M. Cahay, R.S. Newrock, and S. T. Herbert,"Spin polarization in a side gated GaAs Quantum Point Contact", Applied Physics Letters101, 102401 (2012).
T.-M. Liu, A. N. Ngo, B. Hemingway, S. T. Herbert, M. Melloch, S. Ulloa, and A. Kogan, "Quantitative study of spin-flip co-tunneling transport in a quantum dot," Physical Review B 86, 045430 (2012).
P.P. Das, K.B. Chetry, N. Bhandari, J. Wan, M. Cahay, R.S. Newrock, and S. T. Herbert, "Evolution of the anomalous condutance plateau in an asymmetrically biased InAs/InAlAs quantum point contact" Applied Physics Letters 99, 122105 (September 2011).
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P. Debray, S. M. S. Rahman, J. Wan, R. S. Newrock, M. Cahay, A. T. Ngo, S. E. Ulloa, S. T. Herbert, M. Muhammad, and M. Johnson, "All-Electric Quantum Point Contact Spin Valves," Nature Nanotechnology Vol. 4 No. 11, 759-764 (2009).
T.-M. Liu, B. Hemingway, A. Kogan, S. T. Herbert, and M. Melloch, "Magnetic-Field-Induced Crossover to a Nonuniversal Regime in a Kondo Dot," Physical Review Letters 103, 026803 (2009).
J. Holzer, R. S. Newrock, C. J. Lobb, T. Aouaroun, and S. T. Herbert, "Finite-Size Effects and Dynamical Scaling in Two-Dimensional Josephson Junction Arrays," Physical Review B 63, 184508 (2001).
S. T. Herbert and T. Toepker, "Terminal Velocity," The Physics Teacher 37, 96 (1999).
S. T. Herbert, Y. Jun, R. S. Newrock, C. J. Lobb, K. Ravindran, H-K. Shin, D. B. Mast, and S. Elhamri, "Effect of Finite Size on the Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition in Two-Dimensional Arrays of Proximity Coupled Junctions," Physical Review B 57, 1154 (1998).
S.T. Herbert, J. Markus, S. E. Hebboul, and J. C. Garland, "Collective Response of YBa2Cu3O7/Ag Weak-Link Junction Arrays," Journal of Low Temperature Physics 106, 607 (1997).
K Ravindran, L. B. Gómez, R. R. Li, S. T. Herbert, Y. Jun, S. Elhamri, R. S. Newrock, and D. B. Mast, "Frequency Dependence of Giant Shapiro Steps in Ordered and Site-Disordered Proximity-Coupled Josephson Junction Arrays," Physical Review B 53, 5141 (1996).
S. Elhamri, M. Ahoujja, R. S. Newrock, D. B. Mast, S. T. Herbert, W. C. Mitchel, and M. Razeghi, "Electrical Properties of Undoped GaInP/GaAs Quantum Wells," Physical Review B 54, 10688 (1996).
S. T. Herbert, L. B. Gomez, D. B. Mast, R. S. Newrock, C. Wilks, and C. Falco, "Fabrication of Three-Dimensional Proximity-Coupled Josephson Junction Arrays," Superlattices and Microstructures, 18, No. 1 (1995).