Peace and Justice Studies

Peace and Justice Studies is an area of interdisciplinary academic study that explores:

  • issues of peace, social justice, and ecological sustainability
  • the causes and consequences of war and social conflict
  • the power of nonviolent social movements and methods of conflict resolution and conflict transformation
  • strategies and practices for fostering a more just, peaceful, and ecologically sustainable world


Photo of Peace & Justice Studies class on weekend immersion trip to Detroit

Peace & Justice Studies class on weekend immersion trip to Detroit


Xavier's Peace and Justice Studies minor is a fifteen hour interdisciplinary program compatible with any undergraduate major. The focus of Xavier's program is broad, examining a wide array of contemporary social justice and ecological issues along with issues of war and nonviolence. Attention is devoted as well to the role that spiritual practices such as mindfulness and meditation can play in work for a more just and peaceful world.

Peace and Justice Studies draws on a wide range of academic subjects including history, theology, political science, international affairs, literature, social work, psychology, economics, gender and diversity studies, the natural sciences, and more.

Requirements for the minor consist of the Challenge of Peace seminar (THEO 345) and four electives chosen from more than a hundred course options in various disciplines. A list of current electives can be found here. For more details about the program, please contact Dr. John Sniegocki, director of the Peace and Justice Studies minor, at 513-745-3287 or

To register for the minor, please fill out for form that can be found here 


Helpful links

Below are a few websites with useful information related to the field of Peace and Justice Studies:

Peace and Justice Studies Association - the main professional organization for the field of Peace and Justice Studies in North America

Guide to Graduate Programs in Peace and Justice Studies

Waging Nonviolence: People-Powered News and Analysis

Common Dreams - a good source of news on social justice issues

Pace e Bene - an organization devoted to the spread of knowledge of and commitment to nonviolent action for social change

Resources for Social Change - links to many organizations working for positive social change, compiled by John Sniegocki, director of Xavier's Peace and Justice Studies minor