The Beauty of Gallagher Student Center
Oct 21, 2018
From the outside, it's an interesting looking building. There's a glass-pointed clock tower and lots of windows covering the outside. It looks deceivingly small. But when you walk inside, the smell of Subway and a hint of coffee fills your nose and you can feel the aura around you suddenly change. There's definitely something about Gallagher Student Center that cannot be felt anywhere else.
Many know the objective facts of Gallagher, like how it's open 24 hours. How it has a Coffee Emporium, Subway, Ryan's Pub and Blue Gibbon to go grab something to eat. It's headquarters for many clubs and offices on campus. As students, however, we get a different side to those facts. We can see where the "Center" part of the building's name really rings true.
Many other places, you can see people hard at work in class or trying to keep to themselves. However, in Gallagher Student Center, it's nearly impossible not to see someone. It's a place where people come together. Laughs are shared between friends, groups for projects share ideas and worry about their grade together, and clubs meet to plan their next event. Every time I'm in Gallagher, whether it's for five minutes or a few hours, I see hugs shared from friend to friend all around me. It's truly a place where the whole "community" aspect of Xavier University shines through.
I can tell you where I've had interviews that led me to better opportunities. I can tell you stories about how I have stayed up late studying and where I watched some of biggest basketball games. It's where I've made some of my best memories with people I never want to forget once my time at Xavier is over. For those moments and opportunities that Gallagher Student Center has given me, I am forever thankful. Shay.