A Statement from the Xavier University Police Department

Jun 24, 2020

The Xavier University Police Department (XUPD), in partnership with the Hamilton County Association of Chiefs of Police, condemn the actions of the police officers responsible for the death of Mr. George Floyd. We join Xavier’s faculty and staff affinity group, Shades of X, to “assert our support for the many voices across the country and world who are protesting racism in all forms.” We respect the right for peaceful protest and do not condone the violent actions of others towards anyone, including fellow officers.

Our sympathies are extended to the Floyd family for the heartbreaking loss of their loved one. The unrest this event has caused should energize action and change. What we all witnessed on the videos of Mr. Floyd is contrary and inconsistent with professional training in law enforcement. We are truly distraught and saddened by these actions which were committed by those sworn to protect and serve. The death of Ahmaud Arbery, at the hands of a former law enforcement officer and his son, was another failure to openly address actions, motivated by hate, while masked under the pretext of enforcing the law. We want members of the Xavier community to feel safe, to feel included, and to know XUPD values and protects all with one mission embracing constitutional rights, diversity, community, and justice.

We recognize that effective law enforcement rests on a foundation on trust, cooperation, communication, and collaboration – the heart of community policing. The deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and too many others erode efforts to build trust in the communities we serve. We believe that all individuals should have confidence in their law enforcement professionals to provide equal protection under the law and execute equal enforcement of those laws. Our actions must represent our vision and core values as law enforcement professionals sworn to serve everyone equally and without prejudice or biases. We are unique among most police departments because we have invested and immersed ourselves in our community. We are closely allied with the Dean of Students, Residence Life, hosting education and training events, and working with student groups and committees, including membership on the President’s Diversity and Inclusion Action and Advisory Council. The XUPD motto extends beyond “to protect and serve” including a third pillar, to educate.

Our shared hope is that the recent protests will inspire action by law enforcement professionals and sustained change through new policies and practice. XUPD is open to discuss our operations and process within our community. XUPD will continually strive to enhance our abilities and professionalism, and remain dedicated to serving everyone in Xavier’s community without bias or prejudice. Transparency allows others to view our department and practices clearly and without filters or biases clouding their perceptions, just as we expect our officers to practice law enforcement. This transparency will enhance our continuing efforts for openness, communication, and accountability to our community regarding our actions as law enforcement professionals and help us to realize our vision while serving the Xavier community.

Robert Warfel

Xavier University Director of Public Safety / Chief of Police

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