The Xavier Community’s All For One Spirit
Mar 18, 2020
Dear Xavier Alumni Family,
As a Xavier alumnus and through my 20 years serving the University, I have always been grateful for the passion and care that our alumni, faculty and staff have for our students. During this time of change and uncertainty, I have never been more proud of the Xavier family.
The health, wellbeing and safety of Xavier’s students, faculty and staff has been our top priority. One example of this concern for student wellbeing is a call center that was quickly established so that students and parents would have a caring member of the Xavier community to talk with to address their questions and concerns. The call center went a step further and personally reached out to every one of our undergraduate students to make sure their needs were addressed. When Xavier says All For One, we mean All For One.
In this All For One spirit, many alumni and friends of the University have reached out to me and others, asking how they can support Xavier’s students. First, your prayers, for the Xavier community and for all who are impacted by this pandemic, are greatly appreciated. If you are looking to engage our students more directly, consider serving as a mentor to a Xavier student. Your insights and connection are even more important now, in this time of social distancing. Finally, the Student Emergency Fund has been a critical resource to financially support Xavier students in the many obstacles and hardships they have experienced during this time of turmoil.
While Xavier’s alumni events are off for now, there are many ways to stay engaged, from our alumni social media channels to a live stream of the daily liturgy with the Cincinnati Jesuit community. Thank you for all you have done for Xavier. Our mission is accomplished only with your help, and we are grateful for your ongoing support.
All God’s Blessings,
Gary R. Massa
Vice President for University Relations
Xavier University