We Will Come Together. It's Just What We Do.
May 13, 2020
Dear Xavier Family and Friends,
Let me start by wishing you and your family a safe, healthy and happy spring. I was walking through campus this week, and again I was amazed by the beauty and splendor that our University can reveal. It made me want to remind everyone that as time marches on, the beauty of the world will make itself known to us again, even in trying times.
Note that I did not say “times like these.” I find myself shaking my head when I hear someone say those words in reference to the world’s current plight, because it occurs to me that we have never been through any time like this. Never have we known something that has challenged us all in this way.
It is why I am writing to you now.
In the past few weeks I have been amazed by what I have seen from our Xavier family. The resiliency, the fortitude, and the compassion put forth by our faculty, staff and students has been nothing short of astounding. As one staff member aptly put it, in a time like nothing we have ever experienced before, “We will come together. It’s just what we do.”
I am asking you to do whatever you can to come together, for us, right now.
As you know, because of the necessary financial decisions we have made during the spring semester, Xavier is in a significant economic shortfall. While we have taken several steps to lessen the impact of this deficit, we will still have to make many difficult decisions moving forward.
Simply, we need our Xavier family now more than ever. We need you more than ever. We need your help to continue to be able to deliver on our Mission for our students, so that they can continue to Learn, Serve and Achieve Together.
We need your help now, because this is the biggest challenge we have ever faced.
Your gifts, no matter the amount, will allow us to keep delivering on our promise to transform students into men and women for and with others. A Xavier education has never been more appropriate, more important or more necessary.
I have faith that we will come through this, and we will be stronger for it. Just as I saw on my walk, the beauty of life will find us again. I also have faith that our Xavier family will respond in our time of need.
Why? Because, as it has already been said, “It’s just what we do.” Thank you for doing whatever you can do.
May God bless you and your family,
Michael J. Graham, S.J.