The Student Experience
Oct 23, 2020
What is it like to attend college during a global pandemic? During a contentious election year? During the ongoing struggle against racial injustice?
What is it like to attend college while they are all occurring simultaneously?
Recently, we asked our students: “What has your experience at Xavier been like during this unique fall 2020 semester?”
Between busy academic schedules, extracurricular activities, and an overwhelming set of outside circumstances, students responded. Their honest and vulnerable answers shed light on some of the challenges and successes students in the College of Arts and Sciences have experienced so far this semester.
Makayla Wilson, Class of 2024
“My experience at Xavier University is like the sunrise on a winter day. Things can be tough, cold, and unbearable - but there will always be something or someone to provide the warmth and encouragement you need.”
Michelle Mitchell, Class of 2024
“My experience at Xavier during this unique fall 2020 semester has been somewhat of a roller coaster. The transition from high school to college hit me hard. I struggled to balance, work, school, and my social life. Over time with guidance and my purchase of a planner, things have gotten better! I am going through a phase in my life where everything is changing, and I am excited for my new growth and I hope to continue growing alongside my fellow peers!”
April Lane, APEX
“My experience at Xavier this fall has been exceptional. The Professors have been helpful. When I have been on campus, I see everyone wearing masks and respecting the space of others. I sincerely appreciate that as a person who is immunocompromised.”
Mimwah Watkins, Class of 2024
“My experience at Xavier has been amazing during the pandemic because professors care for your well-being and want students to succeed.”
Alex Budzynski, Class of 2022
“Put simply, this atypical semester has been a roller coaster ride. Being back on the campus that I love is a constant source of joy and there have been plenty of moments worth celebrating. I have successfully organized social distanced events, been able to continue making music in small ensembles, and spent many a night cooking and eating in with my friends.
While I wish that I could relish in the good, this semester has also been the most challenging one of my three years at Xavier. I am constantly overwhelmed by an impending super virus, a racial justice movement that is reaching a climax, and a rapidly changing job market. While all of these things weigh on me, I wouldn’t want to tackle these colossal challenges without my support network at Xavier. I continue to take it one day at a time, in the hopes of growing and learning with my community.”
Jabari Turner, Class of 2021
“My experience at Xavier this fall semester has undoubtedly been a semester to remember. Certainly, COVID-19 has impacted every pillar of our life, and school is no different. However, my experience at Xavier has been as close to normal as it could be. Maybe an uptick in homework and remembering to wear my mask when I leave my apartment. Other than that, life becomes pretty adaptable. I can't speak for all, but I certainly appreciate in-person classes more. Zoom classes can begin to weigh on you. However, overall, my experience has been one of optimism as we are better off than most schools, and Xavier has done an exemplary job in catering to the students' needs while maintaining safety.”
Hannah Hodgson, Class of 2024
“My experience at Xavier during this fall semester has been a roller coaster of emotions due to such a life change and now taking into account the pandemic, but I have been able to learn, make friends and grow as a person which makes me very grateful to go here.”
Jaquana Fields, Class of 2024
“My experience at Xavier so far has been really good compared to other people I know. My classes haven't been bad and it's not too much work plus I don't have any classes two days out the week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) which gives me enough time to finish my work. I also joined the fencing team here which is really fun, and it gives me something to do so I will not be trapped in my dorm all day and it's a great way to get in some exercise.”