Xavier University Music - Chamber Orchestra
The Chamber Orchestra course invites all XU string players to participate. Throughout the semester, this course aims to provide students with the opportunity to learn through performing unabridged masterworks, rehearsing in a professional environment, and collaborating as co-artistic-decision-makers.
This course is open to all string players. Both music majors and non major students are strongly encouraged to sign up. There is no prerequisite for this course, although an intermediate proficiency is highly recommended to make the most out of participating.
A seating audition may be required with details to be announced at a later date. Having a short solo piece that demonstrates your level of playing and musicianship ready at the beginning of the semester is strongly recommended. (There’s absolutely no need for a Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto. Any piece that you are working on is good enough!)
In addition to playing in the ensemble, this course provides additional learning experience for those interested in arts administration. Orchestra manager and librarian positions will be potentially available to interested students who will work closely with the conductor on strategic planning, artistic planning, and orchestral materials preparation.
In response to COVID-19, we have a reduced capacity for this course and an adjusted concert cycle. Details will be announced to students signed up for the course through Canvas. For other questions, please contact Dr. Lin at linw2@xavier.edu.
CONCERT - Dr. Wilbur Lin, Conductor & Dr. Polina Bespalko, Piano
7:30pm - Monday - November 23, 2020 - Bellarmine Chapel
(check back for updates: In Person or LiveStreamed)