Robert Templeman
Adjunct Faculty, Musicology, American Popular Music, Music Program
Specializations include music of the African diaspora; Latin American music; African music; twentieth-century Music; world music instrumental, vocal, and dance performance labs; and social theory and cultural anthropology. Fellowships and grants include Fulbright Scholar (Bolivia, 1995-96), Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research (1995-96), Inter-American Foundation (1992, 1995-96), and Tinker Foundation and the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (1990, 1992). Active projects and interests in Internet-based educational technologies include course website design and streaming audio and video distributed learning projects.
Musicology, Ethnomusicology
First Year at Xavier
- PhD, ABD, Musicology, University of Illinois;MM, Musicology, University of Illinois