Division of Mission and Ministry

Division of Mission and Ministry

Activating the Jesuit Catholic educational mission of Xavier University through the Universal Apostolic Preferences 2019-2029.

The Dorothy Day Center for Faith and Justice

Helping students make meaning, discover purpose and work for a better world through communities bound by common belief, a sense of belonging and the desire to seek solidarity.


Dorothy Day Center for Faith and Justice

The Center for Mission and Identity

Engaging faculty, staff, and administrators in understanding Ignatian spirituality and Jesuit education as the foundation of the University's mission of forming students intellectually, morally, and spiritually as they cultivate lives of reflection, compassion and informed action.


Center for Mission and Identity


Engaging the University's commitment to sustainability, environmental stewardship, and integral ecology in our academic programs, campus-wide initiatives, and in the community around us.



The Conway Institute

A center of distinction, assisting educators in transforming students intellectually, morally, and spiritually in the Jesuit, Catholic tradition, while appropriating Ignatian pedagogy and spirituality in today's world.


The Conway Institute

The Jesuit Resource

A repository of resources for Jesuit education and Ignatian spirituality gathered and developed for use in your work with board members, faculty, staff, students, retreatants, and parishioners.


The Jesuit Resource