Mission and Identity Programs

Bush ICP Project

Jennifer Bush

Assistant Dean, MBA Programs
Xavier University


Project Title:

Using the Ignatian Gifts to Manage Workforce Reductions


As higher education undergoes industry wide change in how classes are delivered, the majors demanded, and the educational experience itself, changes in services, personnel, and daily business practices are necessary. Often the down-sizing of staff is a result of said changes. The loss of co-workers is difficult, especially at Jesuit institutions where the longevity of faculty & staff is well established. The integration of the gifts of our Ignatian Heritage – Discernment, Mission, Reflection, Service and Solidarity – into this process is essential. They are essential for both the individual being let go and to the staff members that remain. My Capstone project will be an examination of such recent events at my University and in particular on my department, with the hope of providing a document that can be utilized by other colleagues when they are confronted with such actions.


Having been a part of a downsizing in 2013, I drew heavily upon my experience in ICP to
manage the loss of staff members and changes in departmental structuring and I believe that
sharing my experiences would offer perspective and comfort to any other professional in Jesuit
education facing a similar situation.

Project Details:

1. Creation of a case study based on a downsizing scenario.
2. Reflective essay on my own experience.
3. Options on how to utilize the gifts of our Ignatian heritage to manage & experience the
downsizing process.
4. Overview of HR approach on how Jesuit mission impacted and influenced the process.
5. Self-reflection questions for those involved in the process.

Indications of Success:

1. Discussion of results with ICP colleagues on campus.
2. Sharing of created materials with Jesuit colleagues.
3. Presentation of materials during Jesuit session on campus.


1. The project is highly personal which may be impact the way it is received.
2. Working with HR to identify how mission & the Jesuit gifts were incorporated into the
3. The presentation of material in a manner that is conducive to dialogue vs. a complaint