Mission and Identity Programs

An Experience of the Spiritual Exercises

A Small Group Experience for Graduates of AFMIX, ICP, and AJCU Summer Leadership Seminar
(even if you are retired!)

Tuesdays from August 25 until just before Thanksgiving
12:00 - 1:30 p.m. through Zoom sessions

If you choose to join us, the group will move through the themes of the Spiritual Exercises together so we ask that you commit to the group and attend as many of the sessions as possible.


Program Description:

We are excited to offer you a special opportunity to once again experience the Spiritual Exercises in a small group format. Gordon Suggs (Application Services) and Eileen Corder (recently retired from the Williams College of Business) have volunteered to co-facilitate the group.  As with all of our programs, you are welcome to join us regardless of your faith background.

The experience will be similar to the 3rd semester of AFMIX.  We will use a resource that guides us through the themes of the Spiritual Exercises developed by Xavier's own Sheila Doran (Mathematics) and Darrell Burns, SJ (retired from Mission and Identity).

Please indicate if you need a copy of the book and if so your mail location or address.  Thanks!

To Register, please complete the form below: