Medical and Health Humanities Minor Curriculum (15 Credit Hours)
Courses must come from at least 3 of the Humanities disciplines (Classics & Modern Languages [ASLN & SPAN], ENGL, GDST, HIST, PHIL, THEO). Students must attain a 2.000 average in the course work of the minor.
Introductory Course (3 Credit Hours)
Chose one of the following courses:
- ENGL 134 Intro to Medical and Health Humanities
- ENGL 135 Literature & Medicine
Electives (12 Credit Hours)
Take FOUR 3-CH Electives (12 CH). At least 3 courses (9 CH) must be taken at the 200-level or above:
- ASLN 291 Deafness Culture & Community§
- HIST 199: History of Native American Health*
- HIST 199: Disability History*
- HIST 199: Who Gets Health Care? *
- HIST 199: Death & Mourning*
- ENGL 134 Intro to Medical and Health Humanities
- ENGL 135 Literature & Medicine
- ENGL 205 Lit & Moral Imagination: Early American Medicine*
- ENGL 205 Lit & Moral: Disability in Literature*
- ENGL 205 Lit & Moral: Apocalypses and Revelations*
- ENGL 205 Lit & Moral: Health, Activism, Community*
- ENGL 312 Technical & Scientific Writing
- ENGL 316 Writing Illness & Health
- ENGL 335 Doctors in Lit & Culture
- ENGL 350 The Weird Nineteenth Century
- GDST 208 Introduction to Disability Studies
- GDST 258/THEO 258 Race, Religion and Healing
- GDST 350/HIST 305 Medical Racism
- HIST 237 Epidemics in America
- HIST 319 Health and Medicine in Britain
- PHIL 200 Philosophical Perspectives: Humans, Animals, Machines*
- PHIL 316 Philosophy & Psychology
- PHIL 329 Bioethics
- SOCI 170 Comparative Healthcare Systems
- SPAN 332 Spanish in Community Health Settings§
- SPAN 3XX Latino Food, Identity & Health§
- THEO 312 Christian Health Care Ethics
- THEO 316 Disability and Theology
- THEO 340 Health, Religions, Ethics
- THEO 327 Religion and Bioethics
- THEO 372 Disability, Ethics, and Theology
- THEO 404 Religion, Ethics and Professional Practice
- THEO 416 Theology and Trauma
- Courses may double-count for the major and core curriculum requirements as appropriate.
- *ENGL 205 and PHIL 200 may only be taken once, regardless of focus.
- †Generally, only one section of HIST 199 may be taken, but students may petition the program director to upgrade ONE additional section of HIST 199 to an elective for the major.
- §This course has a pre-requisite or pre-requisites beyond the core curriculum and the requirements for the Medical and Health Humanities major. Consult the course schedule or catalog for details. Students interested in the 300-level Spanish courses must complete Spanish 202 and Spanish 300 beyond the core curriculum language requirement.