Conversations on Catholic Identity
at a Jesuit University: An E-Seminar
Catholic Higher Education
- Conversations on Jesuit (and Catholic) Higher Ed.: Jesuit Si, Catholic...Not So Sure. David O'Brien, Ph.D.
- Ex Corde Ecclesiae Pope John Paul II (focusing on paragraph 13) - optional
O'Brien cites a reaction to 'Catholic.' What words are associated with 'Catholic'?
What emotions are evoked by 'Catholic'?
Which of the four "essential characteristics" of a Catholic university, as outlined by Pope John Paul II, speaks most strongly to you?
Catholic Social Teaching
- Ten Building Blocks of Catholic Social Teaching William Bryon, SJ
- Implementing the Principles of the ?Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church? in Catholic Higher Ed. Cardinal Martino
Discuss ways that education at Xavier is/can be grounded in CST.
The Catholic Intellectual Tradition
- The Catholic Intellectual Tradition in the Catholic University Monika Hellwig, Ph.D. - click through four pages
- The Catholic Intellectual Tradition Margaret Steinfels
- What is the Catholic Intellectual Tradition? Monika Hellwig, Ph.D. (PowerPoint notes)
- The Catholic Intellectual Tradition: A Conversation at Boston College
In what ways is the Catholic intellectual tradition alive at Xavier?
Catholic Identity, Contemporary Culture, and the American University
- Catholic Identity: Emerging Consensus Peter Steinfels
Select 2-3 to review
- Closing Statement on Academic Freedom and Catholic Character John Jenkins, CSC
- Defining Feminism M. Cathleen Kaveny, JD, PhD
- Teen Suicide Prompts Soul Searching CNS
- A Response: Hiring Catholics? Elizabeth Linehan, RSM
- Notre Dame's Position on Hiring Catholic Faculty: A Response, Faculty Senate of the UDM
- Response to Doctrine Committee's Statement on Quest for the Living God CTSA Board of Directors
How can (each of us in our role at) Xavier ease tensions when values collide?
The Catholic University
- The Role of Presidents Promoting Catholic Identity at Jesuit Universities T. Lannon, SJ
- The Catholic Identity of Catholic Institutions Charles E Curran
What do you identify as Xavier's "Gifts of our Catholic Heritage"?
How are those gifts retained?