Audrey Calloway
What brought you to ISSJ?
I am a life-long learner and decided to take one class that caught my eye. I jumped into Transformative Practices with Karen Enriquez. The professor, the content, the engagement, and my classmates created a perfect mix of community, growth, and knowledge. It was an opportunity to engage my faith with other beliefs, religions, and opinions. I realized that by taking this class I can better understand and articulate my beliefs because I had an opportunity to be exposed to different beliefs, opinions, and experiences in open and honest dialogue. After that I signed up for my next class. And then another.
What impact has your studies with ISSJ had on you?
Transformation Practices and Dr. Karen B. Enriquez are what set me on my path to the Institute for Spirituality and Social Justice journey. I had admired the purpose of the ISSJ major and the work of Gillian Ahlgren, but stepping into the classroom set me on the path. I continued because it spoke to my heart of social justice. Through my interactions with classmates and professors I gained a better since of my beliefs and the place that social justice has in the life of an active Christian. We were exposed to global authors, issues of planetary crises, and a variety of Christian doctrine and perspective. In a sense, to better understand my beliefs, it helps me to understand beliefs held that differ from mine. ISSJ courses create an environment that nurtures reflection, self-discovery and growth.