Rachael Behr LaRose, PhD
Teaching Professor, Economics
Dr. Rachael Behr LaRose was born in raised in northern Indiana, and received her undergraduate education from Hillsdale College. At Hillsdale, she studied economics and political theory, with a minor in French. She then went on to graduate school at George Mason University, where she received her Ph.D. in economics, with special focus on political economy and economic sociology. She was also a Fellow with the F.A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
Before coming to Xavier, Dr. LaRose taught Environmental Economics at Catholic University of America. At Xavier University, Dr. LaRose teaches Macroeconomic Principles and Natural Resource Economics. Dr. LaRose especially loves emphasizing the interdisciplinary nature of classroom studies, whether it be inflation or natural resources.
Dr. LaRose researches questions of an interdisciplinary nature about markets and morality. Her work has been published by Cambridge, The Review of Austrian Economics, Studies in Comparative International Development, Public Choice, The Independent Review, and Routledge, and is currently under review at several journals. She is currently working on several projects on the economic consequences of COVID-19 policies, including the political incentives of mask mandates and situating pandemic entrepreneurship within the entrepreneurship literature.
In her free time, Dr. LaRose loves baking and hiking.