Core for Faculty and Staff

Apply for Scientific Perspectives Course

To apply for a Scientific Perspectives Course, review the description of a Scientific Perspectives Course, and then complete the following two items:

1. A Brief Explanation of how your proposed course addresses each of the following general and specific Student Learning Outcomes:
Broad Student Learning Objectives:

1a: Students recognize and cogently discuss significant questions in the humanities, arts, and the natural and social sciences.

2b. Students evaluate problems using quantitative methods and arguments.

Specific Student Learning Objectives unique to Scientific Perspectives Courses:

1. Students will utilize the scientific method, and differentiate between hypotheses/models, theories and laws.
2. Students will articulate the nature of evidence, objectivity, data interpretation, the elusiveness of "proof," and reproducibility/replicability.
3. Students will compare various types of research studies (e.g., observational, experimental, correlational, mechanistic).
4. Students will utilize analytical and quantitative skills to design experiments, collect data, and make measurements.
5. Students will construct and interpret graphs and tables, and to calculate and interpret appropriate statistics (e.g. mean, variability, correlation).
6. Students will critically analyze and distinguish claims based on science from misinformation based on pseudoscience
7. Students will analyze claims and information that they encounter regarding science in their everyday lives based on their transfer and utilization of knowledge about science.

2. Course Syllabus


Email your brief Explanations and Course Syllabus to the linked Core Curriculum Committee.