Office of Commuter and Off Campus Living

Office of Commuter Services

The Office of Commuter Services provides programs and services designed to meet the diverse needs of Xavier's commuter student populations, including a commuter lounge with extended operating hours and campus events. Commuter Services also connects students with resources regarding off-campus housing, transportation and more.

A photo of the back of a student's purple tee-shirt says 'Commuter' under a drawing of Gallagher Student Center. In white text.

Commuter Student Resources

The Office of Commuter Services is committed to enhancing commuter involvement and connections across the University. Explore the programs, services and stats for commuter students.

Commuter Lounge Details
Commuter Activities Board
Cars parked along the University Station Apartments

Parking Information

For information on purchasing a parking permit, paying/appealing a citation or updating your permit information, visit the Parking Services webpage. For information on safety escorts, medical escorts or problems with dead car batteries, visit the Courtesy Services webpage.

Parking Services
Courtesy Services
Shuttle Services
Person riding on bike through campus

Off-Campus Living

See Off-Campus Living information regarding housing available for rent, helpful off-campus student resources, and ways to connect to the neighborhoods in which you are living.

Off-Campus Living
A group of eight students and staff sitting at a table and smiling

Contact Information

Email the Office of Commuter Services at or call at (513) 745-3824.

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