
Wondering what to do with your major? Advice from a Xavier Communication Student.


If you are a Communication Department student, you know you have many job opportunities, in different job fields. You also know this can be daunting, as you may not have clear direction or a job description to give to "Aunt Sue" at Thanksgiving dinner. Luckily, there are other students who have been in that situation before and who have found their spot in between interests and communication skills.

Double-Majoring: Public Relations and Sports Management

Connor Backman is a Senior Public Relations and Sports Management double major at Xavier University, looking to enter the sports world with his social media design skills and passion. Connor has had experience in the intern world for different years. He started working with Xavier Athletics his sophomore year, then has managed social media accounts for the Buffalo Bisons Minor League Baseball team and for the ATP Western Southern Tennis Tournament. He is currently interning in the Xavier Athletics department, along with a seasonal position with the Cincinnati Bengals NFL team.

How Connor's Classes Have Helped Him

Connor says he has appreciated skills learned in his Writing for the Media and Social Media Strategies classes because they have given him an advantage compared to his coworkers. He has more skills in marketing content, along with promotion and writing competence he uses in social media.

Connor Backman is working hard to increase his knowledge, learn new skills, but also expand his networks, knowing how much these can open doors to employment. His creative side is showcased in the production of new content, which assured him a return to the ATP position, but also made him student leader in the Xavier Athletics program.

Advice for Fellow Students

Connor has some advice for current Communication Department students: work on relationships and networking. Offer opinions even in an internship position. Don't be afraid to try something outside your comfort zone, even if this requires dedication of time outside working hours.

When dreams come true, Connor will be working in sports communications and social media for an NFL team; he has all of the Communication Departments' support and best wishes.