German Minor
The study of languages, literatures, and cultures is central to a liberal arts education and one of the key disciplines in the humanities. Since the emergence of Jesuit education in the sixteenth century, the studia humanitatis have been at its heart. Like all humanities majors, German challenges students to address pressing and enduring questions about the human condition. In reflecting on the nature and scope of the human itself, humanities majors develop skills and dispositions that remain vital at all stages of their professional and personal lives and result in a fulfilling life. Humanities majors learn how to: ask insightful questions, think flexibly, and develop comfort with diverse approaches to new problems; conduct, synthesize, and interpret research; and communicate effectively.
German minors develop a deep knowledge of language and culture, and leverage that knowledge to gain insight into historical, social and political issues. The study of German at Xavier prepares students for interdisciplinary and problem-based inquiry that spans many professions. Students are therefore encouraged to combine a modern language minor with a second major or a related major and to peak with faculty advisors about opportunities to incorporate study abroad into their program of study. Minors go on to use their skills in the corporate world, STEM fields, diplomacy, arts and culture, and many other arenas. Undergraduates who wish to be licensed as teachers are advised to consult with the department education coordinator and with the School of Education regarding specific requirements for language teacher licensure.
To minor in German, students must complete 15 credit hours of German courses between GERM 202-498. All courses must be taught in German to count toward the minor. In addition, a 2.500 cumulative average must be attained in the German courses.