Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorships are available to support this event and create opportunities for student internships and research in clinical science.
Gold ($5,000+) sponsorships will receive the following benefits:
- Information/recruiting table during the event
- Sponsorship of Speed Networking Table and ability to send a representative to staff the table
- Company logo displayed on all marketing materials for event
- Website
- Promotional flyers/placards
- Keynote presentation
- Verbal recognition during the event
Sliver ($1,000+) sponsorship will receive the following benefits:
- Sponsorship of Speed Networking Table and ability to send a representative to staff the table
- Company logo displayed on all marketing materials for event
- Website
- Promotional flyers/placards
- Keynote presentation
- Verbal recognition during the event
Bronze ($250+) sponsorship will receive the following benefits:
- Company logo displayed on all marketing materials for event
- Website
- Promotional flyers/placards
- Keynote presentation
- Verbal recognition during the event
For more information on sponsorships contact, Peter Mallow at 513.745.3636 or mallowp@xavier.edu