In Cincinnati
November 7, 2019 |
As falling leaves give way to chill weather, soon we will again invite to campus finalists for faculty positions.I look forward to conversing with candidates. As ever, I'll explain my experience of the College of Arts and Sciences as the liberal arts heart of our Jesuit Catholic comprehensive university in Cincinnati.
Jesuit. Catholic. Comprehensive. University. In Cincinnati. We talk through each element in turn.
In Cincinnati? Rather than focus of the glories of the Queen City--culinary or otherwise--I use the precious minutes to describe a few of the ways Xavier people participate in our community.
We do that collectively. With support of our Eigel Center, for instance, we offer Xavier students in English, Philosophy, History, Chemistry, Computer Science and many other classes opportunities to learn through engaging our community. Occasionally we even travel (to Detroit!) to engage Cincinnati more effectively.
We do that individually too--as neighbors, serving on boards, participating in non-profits, and belonging to church communities.
And we speak and vote in solidarity with our neighbors. (We did all vote this Tuesday, right?)
This year I can add a new example to illustrate Xavier's engagement in Cincinnati: congratulations to Dr. Leslie Rasmussen (Communications) for winning election to a local public office--despite the trolling!