It takes a ... committee?
February 21, 2019 |
What does it take to recruit great students, to challenge them and support their learning, and to prepare them for lives of meaning and purpose?Among other ingredients, it takes great committees.
Yeah, I'll admit it: that's implausible. Especially to anyone who has ever served on a real committee. But hear me out.
It's been nearly a year since we in CAS launched a survey and began a process to improve communication and shared governance. Why? Because we believe that a flourishing college community, one that can effectively develop great people--students, staff and faculty--needs an effective culture of shared governance.
And that culture in turn depends on more than good principles and noble intentions. It require structures, processes, and--yes--committees through which diverse members of our college community reflect, discern, recommend, advocate, review and make decisions together.
To that end, over the past year we've launched and revised key committees, adding new acronyms to the college lexicon: CASCA, CASDI, ALG and more.
To support our culture and our students, each of these committees need great people of good will.
A great college needs great people serving one another. CAS needs you.