Shared governance
September 10, 2018 |
Shared governance. It’s a bedrock principle of Xavier University—and, I would assert, of every healthy university. To me, that means that we cannot only invoke it when someone (like “the administration”) makes a decision we don’t like. Instead it needs to be embedded in our regular processes. Our Faculty Handbook and Constitution of the Faculty Assembly make sure that happens for certain university-level decisions.
This summer’s Task Forces this summer crafted recommendations for how we can better enshrine shared governance into more of CAS’s future decisions.
As we begin to implement many of these recommendations in the year ahead, I am particularly excited to establish the key faculty bodies they designed, starting with the CAS Council of Advisors.
Hence this special edition of the CAS Bulletin.
I could not be more pleased to issue a call for nominations to serve on the inaugural CAS Council of Advisors.
The first group of 7 faculty will have an especially critical role to play, as we roll out new structures and policies. I’m sure we’ll learn things we didn't anticipate, and adapt accordingly.
David Mengel