Nihal Ahmed, Seth Birch and Keith Flueck Senior Thesis Art Exhibitions January 20-February 3, 2023
January 20, 2023
EXHIBITIONS: by Nihal Ahmed, Seth Birch and Keith Flueck
XAVIER UNIVERSITY ART GALLERY: January 20 – February 3, 2023
ARTISTS’ RECEPTION: Friday, January 20, 4:00 – 6:30 p.m.
GALLERY HOURS: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, & by appt
Xavier University and the Department of Art are pleased to announce thesis exhibitions by three senior art majors – Nihal Ahmed, Drawing/Graphic Design; Seth Birch, Sculpture; and Keith Flueck, Graphic Design – beginning January 20-February 3, 2023.
Nihal Ahmed presents “nascent,” a multi-disciplinary installation exploring themes of nostalgia, yearning, and fulfillment. The artist states, “After feeling incredibly lost in my journey as a visual artist, I took what was essentially a 2-month retreat to Pakistan over the summer of 2022. It was there that I found myself able to escape the confines of my everyday life and experience a bit of personal metamorphosis. I felt myself beginning to understand the grandness of the world a little better and recognize how little I knew of the future — and how that was okay. I took this newfound drive and became obsessed with making music — sampling and producing until I crafted an album. This “mixtape,” as I called it, is the soundtrack of my gallery show and the spiritual center of all the artwork, research, and life that has gone into this project. I see “nascent” now as a place for dialogue for young people like me. A place to recognize the nascency of your life and cling tightly to these feelings of wonder. And when you get out to see the world, I have a mixtape made for you.”
Seth Birch presents “Consumed” - an interactive multi-media sculptural installation, using past and present media techniques and technologies. Consumed is meant to provoke thoughts of the now invisible connection between media consumption tethering us to devices and media platforms and overconsumption. The nature of media consumption is an invisible convenience and the how much is consumed is not thought about. In the way that other vices have physical manifestations, the new digital vice shows no sign of a person who is fully consumed by the consumption of media.
Keith Flueck presents his vision of future cybernetic advancements because he believes it both improves the quality of living for the disabled and shows our need to evolve which is human nature. He further states, “The future of cybernetics incorporates the practice of implanting electronic machinery into people’s body to either restore or improve its abilities. Advancements in the field of cyber ware may not always make the headlines or perhaps not seen as realistic however the future is closer than most would think. The science behind cyber ware no longer must be a fictional idea because the reality of cybernetics has been in development since the 1940s. However, technology would have been very medieval compared to what we now have. See what future possibilities are in store within the field of cybernetic practice.”
Please join us for the Artists’ Reception on Friday, January 20th, 4:00-6:30 p.m