Brie Ashby, Annabel Gremore, Xavier Razo and James Reyes-Gomez Senior Thesis Exhibitions April 23-May 15, 2021
April 19, 2021
Xavier University and the Department of Art are pleased to announce thesis exhibitions by four Senior Art Majors: Brie Ashby; Graphic Design, Annabel Gremore; Graphic Design, Xavier Razo; Graphic Design, and James Reyes-Gomez; Drawing/Graphic Design. The exhibitions will be displayed April 23 - May 15, 2021.
Brie Ashby presents Journey to Discovery: My Ancestor’s Mythology. “Take a journey with me as I discover my ancestral roots, and the mythology of the regions they lived in. I have always had a fascination with magic and myths, and through this project I have found a way to connect them by creating a Tarot card deck. However, that is only part of my journey. The other half is through the use of and mapping out my family tree, as well as discovering the regions that my ancestors have been found to have lived at one point in time.”
Annabel Gremore presents The Stories that raised me. Annabel’s exhibition uses graphic design posters to encourage travel to small towns in hope of discovering cryptids. The installation incorporates woodwork, ceramics, woodcut prints, and other elements to tell her story.
Xavier Razo presents Villainy. “From bullying to tyranny, literature to pop culture, members of society express their interaction and interpretation of villainy in unique and surprising ways.” This exhibition is an examination of how viewers react to villainous subjects, symbols and themes. Emotions range from elation, anger, happiness, sadness, and even admiration. Villains can reflect everyday people and offer insight to differences in political, sociological and ethical points of view. This body of work attempts to examine how perception of villainy and villainous acts can help understand an opposing view. By presenting a middle ground for understanding villainous intent, these ideas can help create an environment for moral awareness, forgiveness, redemption and healing.
James Reyes-Gomez presents Living Thoughtlessness. To live thoughtlessly or thoughtfully is just one of many things to contemplate in this exhibition. The illustrations and paintings displayed accompany the short writings included in the books that were written by James specifically for this show. Somewhat introspective and somewhat silly, the focus is to look at the world around us and interpret it from different angles. How do we communicate and how do we interpret the stories of others even if we do not know them? Perhaps we can find familiarity with someone even if we never meet.