Department of Art


Xavier University’s Department of Art and SOS ART present Best of For a Better World, an exhibition of 100 color illustrations and poems by Greater Cincinnati artists, November 1-26, 2019.

The exhibition is based on the recent publication, "For a Better World: The Best of 2004-2015," a book that contains favorite poems by 100 local poets selected from the first 12 annual anthologies of poems and drawings "For a Better World,” published from 2004 to 2015 with accompanying illustrations by 100 invited Greater Cincinnati visual artists. The book and exhibition represent a celebration of our local community of poets and visual artists who make powerful and diverse statements in support of justice and peace locally, nationally and worldwide.

SOS ART founder, Saad Ghosn of the University of Cincinnati, and other board members of SOS ART, coordinated the exhibition of poems and drawings, together with scheduled poetry readings on issues of peace and justice, and presentations on the role of art for a better world.

A special event, "Art and Poetry for a Better World," will take place Saturday, November 16, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. in the Xavier University Art Galleries. It will feature presentations on the role of arts for peace and social justice by invited presenters, and poetry readings by poets included in the show. 

Community teachers, schools and Universities are welcome and encouraged to bring their students to view the exhibition. Guided tours of the exhibit and direct interactions with included poets and visual artists can be arranged by appointment.  For further details on the "Best of For a Better World," please contact

Please join us on Friday, November 1, 5:30-8:00 p.m. for complimentary refreshments and music by the Lastboppers.