Accessibility and Disability Resources

Resolving Complaints

As an institution receiving federal funds, Xavier must comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and with the Americans with disabilities Act, Amended 2008. It is critical that University students, faculty, and staff, are aware of and understand the rights and responsibilities of students with disabilities.

Visit the Office of Civil Rights to learn more about  Students with Disabilities: Rights and Responsibilities for Postsecondary Education.

Accessibility and Disability Resources Grievance Procedure

The University and Accessibility and Disability Resources support you in your right to file a grievance when you believe you have been denied equal access in the form of appropriate accommodations, modifications, auxiliary aids, or effective communication, or suffered discriminatory harassment as described in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 amended 2008. The general grievance procedures, which apply to all students, are available to students with disabilities. The grievance procedures listed below are additional procedures that apply to students with disabilities who feel their rights have been violated under 504 and ADA.

Resolving Conflicts with the University, Faculty and/or Staff, Academic Department, or University Non-Academic Department, Program, or Organization

1. Students are encouraged to discuss their concerns with the Director of Accessibility and Disability Resources. The Director will attempt to resolve the issues by assisting the student in discussing issues with the faculty member, department, or program. Most situations are positively resolved through this process.

2. If either the student or the Director feels that a satisfactory resolution is still not reached, the student should notify the Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion (OIDI) who will further advise the student concerning the university's 504 grievance process which can be found at Policy Document


Internal Grievance

External Grievance

Resolving Conflicts with Accessibility and Disability Resources and/or a Staff Member

The procedure for resolving conflicts with Accessibility and Disability Resources and/or a staff member is similar to the steps explained above. Initially, the student should discuss the complaint with the Director of Accessibility and Disability Resources. If the complaint is not resolved, or there is a specific reason the situation cannot be discussed with the Director, the student should meet with a representative from the office of Ignation Belonging to resolve the situation.

A student has the right to bypass Accessibility and Disability Resources and go directly to the Division of Ignatian Belonging who will work with the student to facilitate a resolution.

The student may choose to file a complaint with:

The Federal Office of Civil Rights, the Ohio Civil Rights Commission, or Disability Rights Ohio. These entities will take complaints and will investigate when appropriate.

Resolving Alleged Discrimination by another Student

In situations where students allege discrimination by another student, students have the option of filing formal charges under the Code of Student Conduct. Please refer to the policy and procedures in the Student Handbook. Contact the Office of Student Integrity for further information.


Contact Information

Accessibility and Disability Resources

Cassandra Jones

514 Michael J. Conaton Learning Commons


Fax: 513 745-3387



Office of Student Integrity 

300 Gallagher Student Center

Cincinnati, Ohio 45207

Voice: 513-745-3202