Cura Studiorum
Striving for excellence in innovation and academics
As a foundational document of Jesuit pedagogy, the Ratio atque Institutio Studiorum Societatis Iesu (Ratio Studiorum) presents a plan of study that standardized the systemic Jesuit model of education in 1599. As a community of learners and educators four Centuries later, we offer the contemporary framework of Cura Studiorum, our Ignatian commitment to caring for the studies in order to train the mind. By ensuring a relentless search for the truth that lies at the intersection of faith and reason, our commitment to Cura Studiorum demands our constancy as educators, as we form our students intellectually, in and beyond the classroom. In Xavier’s setting, this undergirds a commitment to the Liberal Arts and to Ignatian pedagogical practice.

Deepen our academic excellence through bold leadership in health and biomedical sciences.
Building on our established strengths in health and biomedical sciences, Xavier will expand this leadership and our capacity to meet community needs in these areas, at all levels of academic study. We will build best-in-class facilities, matching the innovation and excellence of our faculty, and our stellar student learning outcomes.

Set the national collegiate standard for Ignatian Civic Engagement.
Xavier will live its commitment to Ignatian principles of free expression, and to the underlying character of the Catholic university as a marketplace of ideas, supporting a search for the truth while modelling civil discourse across difference. Core to our mission is providing opportunities for our community members to encounter views, ideas and perspectives, including those that cause discomfort, that flow from a diversity of lived experiences. Grounded in the gifts of a liberal arts education, we call our students to continually frame and reframe their own views of the world, reflecting on their maturing values and commitments.
Expand our commitment to immersive, high-impact, experiential learning.
Xavier will expand the breadth and depth of our commitment to fostering enriched learning through transformative, immersive, experiential opportunities. Our students will benefit from an emphasis on study abroad, undergraduate research, internship opportunities, clinical, field and practica placements, and community-engaged learning, across the curriculum.