Teaching to the Mission
Showcasing the contemporary pedagogical work of the faculty in the Ignatian Mentoring Program.
For a hard-copy version, see the book Teaching to the Mission
The 2024 additions:
Ignatian Pedagogy in Philosophy: Finding Moments for Reflection
Dr. Elliot Chen
Incorporating Discernment and Reflection in a Classroom
Dr. Melissa Gallo
A Mission Toward Restoration: The Practice of Biography in the History Classroom
Dr. Daleah Goodwin
Incorporating Jesuit Values into a First Year Seminar on Markets and Morality
Dr. Rachael Behr LaRose
Jesuit Values Guiding Clinical Decision Making
Dr. Heather Moore
Promoting Cura Personalis to Cultivate Creativity
Amelia Riedel
A Multi-Semester Community-Engaged Learning Cohort
Dr. Sheena Steckl
How to Promote Interracial and Inter-Social Class Friendships Among College Students
Dr. Bashir Tofangsazi
Using an Anti-Oppressive Framework for Teaching Social Studies to Preservice Teachers
Dr. Tammy Zilliox
The 2022 additions:
Preparing School Principals through Ignatian Pedagogy
Dr. Brett Burton, Education
Presence of Ignatian Gifts in the Exercise Science Practicum Course
Dr. Laura Carney, Sports Studies
Service and Solidarity, Past and Present: Understanding Contemporary Identity Through
Classical Literature
Dr. Katie DeBoer, Classics
Applying Eloquentia Perfecta in Kinesiology: Fostering Critical Thinking and Moral Reflection for the Common Good
Dr. Patrick Filanowski, Sports Studies
Community Engagement and Adolescent Psychology: Infusing Ignatian Values
Dr. Anne Fuller, Psychology
Adding Explicit Ignatian Pedagogy to a Women in Mathematics Course
Ms. Christina Hammersmith, Mathematics
Using Ignatian Values to Resolve an Ethical Dilemma in Accounting
Dr. Megan Jones, Accounting
Pricing in the Age of AI: Ethical Challenges of Algorithm-based Pricing
Dr. Sudipta Mukherjee, Marketing
Diversifying the Educator Workforce: An Ignatian Approach
Ms. Leigh Anne Prugh, Special Education
Integrating Ignatian Values into Entrepreneurship Teaching and Practice
Dr. Matthew Regele, Management & Entrepreneurship
Cura Personalis: Fueling the Whole Person
Dr. Ashley Varol, Sports Studies
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